Every Single Episode
of Star Trek Listed

While we haven't ranked every episode in one massive overall list yet (someday!), we have compiled a resource for you to see every episode of Star Trek listed in one place. The current episode count is 944. (And we are using the word "episode" as shorthand. This count obviously includes the 13 major motion pictures and Star Trek's original pilot, "The Cage," as well.)
The compilation below is fully sortable and searchable. You can search by series (three-letter abbreviation) or by season (season number followed by x with the three-letter abbreviation) or by air date order or by production order, etc., etc. (Note: for some browsers you need to add a space before or after your search item to get it to function.)
Just play around in the search box to see how it works. And note, we use the following three-letter abbreviations for each series:
TOS – The Original Series
TAS – The Animated Series
TNG – The Next Generation
DS9 – Deep Space Nine
VGR – Voyager
ENT – Enterprise
DSC – Discovery
STX – Short Treks
LDS – Lower Decks
PIC – Picard
PRO– Prodigy
SNW – Strange New Worlds
MOV – All 13 major motion pictures
KLV – Kelvin Timeline
S31 - Section 31 (only streaming / made-for-TV film)
And if you're wondering how this definitive breakdown works, every Short Trek counts as one episode. Every movie counts as one episode. And every two-part episode that originally aired as one two-hour episode counts as one episode (so every pilot and episodes like "Dark Frontier" and "The Way of the Warrior" – even though those episodes have two production numbers).