Episode Ranks

After 12 long years, Star Trek finally returned to television in 2017, where we all know it belongs. The launch of Star Trek: Discovery in the modern age of television led to extended serialized storytelling, improved budgets and motion picture quality ambition.
And the show did not disappoint, changing the landscape of science fiction on television through five groundbreaking seasons and 65 episodes across seven years of production. Below is TrekRanks combined Discovery Ranks for each episode of the show so big, it spanned 900 years of Star Trek history (and even more than that when you add in "Calypso").
The story of Burnham, Saru, Tilly and Stamets (not to mention Georgiou, Book, Adira, Culber and Rayner) has been a thrill ride, but what's our top episode? Read on to find out! (And don't forget, our lists below are completely searchable and sortable.)
Check out our 1 to 65 rankings below.